Happy Vibes Podcast
A podcast featuring empowered amazing women talking about what they do best. We leave you feeling happy - no matter what. Content heavy, happy, or heaving. Happy Vibes.
Happy Vibes Podcast
Happy Vibes Episode 005 With Chloe Lorback
Season 1
Episode 5
This weeks episode of Happy Vibes features the pioneer of Pre & Postnatal Pilates, pelvic floor Physio and expert in all things woman...Mrs Chloe Lorback. We discuss everything from peeing your pants while jumping on the trampoline to building a strong pelvic floor for stronger and more amazing orgasms. Chloe has recently finished yet another masters, has three beautiful boys, a hubby, a dog Luna and so many rich and meaningful friendships. Yet, somehow in our eyes seems to strike the perfect balance between - work, family and play. Hope you enjoy the listen as much as we did. Happy Vibes. x