Happy Vibes Podcast

Happy Vibes Episode 007 with Sally Hepworth

In today's ep of Happy Vibes Julia chats with author and awesome lady Sally Hepworth. Jules and Sally actually met 6 years ago at a friends book club shortly after the publishing of Sally's first book the Secrets of Midwives.

Fast-forward 6 years or so later, about 6 books, a rejected novel that dived into the 'lifestyle' of swingers and NBC optioning a TV series...Sally's stories will have you in stitches. 

Sally's vignettes from said swingers party involve a threesome, many orgy's and her accountant husband being hit on! But, more importantly (kind of!) we discuss  the distinct gender role reversal that exists in Sally's relationship,  the business of writing books, balancing career highs and lows and digging deep to focus on the future and not dwell on the past.

Sally's most recent book The Good Sister is out now and if you haven't read it...do it.  And buy it for someone you love for Christmas!


Happy Vibes 
